Hard Working Mom But No Claire Huxtable

Claire was boss at home and at work, and she was adored in both habitats. She was firm, yet soft. She was the perfect balance of all we as women strive to be. And her hair and skin always looked perfect.

At work, Claire was the woman with all the answers. And when this hard working mom came home, she was the woman with all the answers there, too. Some days, I have nothing but questions. Every now and then, however, I channel my inner Claire Huxtable, and I'm the hard working mom with all the answers. I like those days.

Mrs. Huxtable had impeccable intuition when it came to her children. She always seemed to know when they weren't telling the whole story. And she always had a way of coaxing the truth out. I want that skill.

Even though she was a working mom with a busy schedule, Claire Huxtable still found time to do charity work as well as offer pro bono legal services. I need to do more of that.
Claire and Cliff Huxtable had an ideal relationship. They were perfect matched and, even after decades of marriage were very much in love. Cliff definitely had an appreciation for what a hard working mom Claire was. I remember many episodes where Cliff rubbed Claire's feet after a long day of litigating. And he always seemed to be the one cooking dinner. My husband is absolutely wonderful, but I haven't had a foot rub since I was pregnant. And, bless his heart, my hubby just isn't that great of a cook. Maybe he needs to channel his inner Cliff?

One of my favorite things about the Huxtable parents were their one-liners. Even though I was probably eight years old when the episode originally aired, I still remember the one where Vanessa is sobbing to her parents that some kids fought her because they were just too rich. "Let's get one thing straight, okay?" Cliff corrects her, "Your mother and I are rich. You have nothing!".  As awesome as that was, Claire's response was even better. She tells Vanessa that they actually aren't rich, because rich people are those whose money works for them, whereas Cliff and Claire Huxtable worked hard for their money. Now those are impressive words of wisdom from a hard working mom!

And you've love Claire's classic mommy line of "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it." He he he. You just don't hear lines like that anymore.
One day, I hope I can be as cool as Claire Huxtable. We shall see.
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